Selasa, 26 Februari 2008

Joko pekik a painter 1 miliion rupiah

Djoko Scream The Hobby Look After The Peacock
Yogyakarta News - Djoko Scream the, generation artist revolutionize the independence 1945, likely own the other;dissimilar hobby is which do not less important by playing paintbrush in canvas, namely look after the peacock
" One of my activity at home [is] manage the bird peliharaan, that is peacock of Java and Dutch peacock," he/she said, moment met byAMONg News in its residency inCountryside Bedogan, Pity Subdistrict, Regency Bantul, early this week
To look after the Dutch peacock, he/she too busy because representing animal from outside country, but to look after the Java peacock have to own the permit certificate look after the scarce animal
" Except that there [is] permit certificate look after the scarce animal, wait the my Java peacock can be confiscated," artist word which its painting entitling " Indonesia 1998 Hunting Celeng" sold by that Rp1 milliard at the same time prepare the peacock food in the form of green peanut sprout, kangkung, and bulk
artist of Birth Purwadadi, Central Java, at 2 January 1937 the in this time is following exhibition with entitling " Beautiful Death" in Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and Bali
" September wait its plan is I will follow the exhibition again," artist word which like the paint of have theme to human life
He tell the, paint for him[s non a[n work, but expression fill the mind or unek-unek [in] mind
" Painting collect that I will not sell, though incoming many people from within and abroad wish to buy [it]," word Scream at the same time show the jajaran painting in galerinya

kucing hitam

padepokan joko pekik

A lot do not know in edge of street tread to fence that bamboo is
masterpiece “ Artist 1 Milliard” on file. Nothing;There is no big name [is] the actor shown over there. Though in Orchard Sembungan, Tamantirto, Pity, Bantul, instruct the west of Sugar Mill Madukismo, this is padepokan Djoko Scream to reside in
Inhere its paintings, inclusive of “ and Sorrow Telegram”, dipajang. The masterpiece become part of trilogy celeng which he make to symbolise keangkaramurkaan in this country. its his First shares, “ Hunt the Celeng”, saleable for the price of one milliard in a[n exhibition. Artist Epithet 1 Milliard is even also girded by actor of birth Grobogan, That Purwodadi
In age which have dusk, he remain to come up the nyentrik and what the existence of. back part its Hair is he small kepang and still be devoted with the white hose oblong and also black pants of komprangnya. Beside do not desist to suck the cigarette, even boy 70 year of at that last 2 January please all its guest to enjoy the painting at one blow its residency atmosphere is which asri. “ just This place is opened to whom,” he/she said moment accept the visit REGOLJOGJA and all entrepreneur travel with Shop of Forum Garden some times then
Djoko Scream to make the area for the width of that two hectare as its artistry activity center. Is over there founded by Galeri Tinukan for the menyimpan of and demonstrate the its paint masterpiece. this name Galeri [is] taken away from by name of[is the wife, Tini Purwaningsih, frequent called by Tinuk. Do not far from that galeri is develop;builded by]Kyai Lampor, place of staging gamelan. Also there are some house which is not merely becoming family residence of[is the actor, but is also weared to make and menyimpan of various crafting/ diligence and its swan song
As location “ semadi” to obtain;get the idea

cak kandar a painter

Wandering to New Media
Since year 1994, Cak Kandar wander, leaving fur world and chummy with the paint acrylic. Lady luck still always become the part of x'self, exhibition for the shake of exhibition, either in in and also [is] abroad non-stoped to be doneconducted, even up to now its restlessness still not yet earned measured only pass the its painting object is]which variatif, but impress by]figuratif.
Puppets idiom, yes finally that, what is]selected by Cak Kandar to look for the spirit which have losed. Since ” bulu”nya hijacked by a time, complexity of puppets characteristic he lift through/ passingpainting, newly and its creativity.
cultural and political social Event depiction, always orient [at] puppets idiom, jell with the symbol. new Kolase Pikirannya—Mungkin—Sebuah discourse for x'self, and have to be realized by Cak, in the reality that paint is butuh energi space, time, and image proceeding, full of challenge, and surely if Cak Kandar wish to return to find the spirit.
And as artist which creativity and its productivity [is] high, Cak return to do/conduct the its[his] single exhibition inLobby of Hotel Preanger` Bandung, since 15 – final till April 2002.
Once in a while, Visible Cak do not want to be trapped in puppets, the selecting of flora and fauna. There is cat, butterfly, flower, forest, and others, although. its esthetics exploration, finally just remain to be re-converged [at] puppets idiom.
Seemingly, Cak Kandar borne to become the consistent and assiduous actor deepen one object [of] if not yet satisfied the correctness find the climax truthfully. Like moment he deal with the fur, so much that puluh year.
Even less dare to to tell the, puppets painting expressed by Cak Kandar of atcanvas still impress stiff, I have to submit it, visual puppets figure in canvas

The javanese art

indonesia having many culture ,wayang is one of each other.wayang have been created by sunan kali jogo,they created aopted from based india culture.
but in java wayang have a base diffrent java wayang ceated with kulit sapi,but in india created by stone.

sunan kali jogo make wayang use to be make penyebaran agama islam them menyebarkan relligion islam,for aculturation culture java and islam.

in fact in the realita the musik gamelan and cerita dongeng with included falsafah islam,ternyata having feed back very good.espesially at jawa ...many people and king of kingdoom of jawa memeluk islam,couse islam is religion with peace morality and no bom with actually now.

in wayang there are many figure kind of caracter of human.
there are two based in caracter " bala dewa dan kurawa'
bala dewa is good man with a caracter a wisdoom and holyman but in kurawa having caracter a killer man.

" dalang " a suttradara. the vice president of opera