Selasa, 26 Februari 2008

cak kandar a painter

Wandering to New Media
Since year 1994, Cak Kandar wander, leaving fur world and chummy with the paint acrylic. Lady luck still always become the part of x'self, exhibition for the shake of exhibition, either in in and also [is] abroad non-stoped to be doneconducted, even up to now its restlessness still not yet earned measured only pass the its painting object is]which variatif, but impress by]figuratif.
Puppets idiom, yes finally that, what is]selected by Cak Kandar to look for the spirit which have losed. Since ” bulu”nya hijacked by a time, complexity of puppets characteristic he lift through/ passingpainting, newly and its creativity.
cultural and political social Event depiction, always orient [at] puppets idiom, jell with the symbol. new Kolase Pikirannya—Mungkin—Sebuah discourse for x'self, and have to be realized by Cak, in the reality that paint is butuh energi space, time, and image proceeding, full of challenge, and surely if Cak Kandar wish to return to find the spirit.
And as artist which creativity and its productivity [is] high, Cak return to do/conduct the its[his] single exhibition inLobby of Hotel Preanger` Bandung, since 15 – final till April 2002.
Once in a while, Visible Cak do not want to be trapped in puppets, the selecting of flora and fauna. There is cat, butterfly, flower, forest, and others, although. its esthetics exploration, finally just remain to be re-converged [at] puppets idiom.
Seemingly, Cak Kandar borne to become the consistent and assiduous actor deepen one object [of] if not yet satisfied the correctness find the climax truthfully. Like moment he deal with the fur, so much that puluh year.
Even less dare to to tell the, puppets painting expressed by Cak Kandar of atcanvas still impress stiff, I have to submit it, visual puppets figure in canvas

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